Crafting Success: The Art of Completing a Craft Show Application

Crafting Success: The Art of Completing a Craft Show Application

For artisans and crafters, participating in a curated art and craft show or maker show is more than an opportunity to showcase their work; it’s a chance to connect with peers, engage with the community, and elevate their brand. However, the path to securing a spot in these coveted events begins with one crucial step: the application process. A well-crafted application not only reflects your professionalism but also your passion and commitment to your craft. This article serves as a guide to help you navigate this process effectively, ensuring that your application stands out among the rest.

Understanding the Importance of a Detailed Application

  1. First Impressions Count

The application is often your first point of contact with the show organizers. It’s where you make your first impression, and as the adage goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. A well-completed application demonstrates your attention to detail and seriousness about your craft.

  1. Telling Your Story

Many applications ask about your journey as an artisan and what inspires you. This is your opportunity to connect on a personal level with the jury. Share your passion, your journey, and the unique aspects of your craft that set you apart. This narrative adds depth to your application and helps the jury understand you as an artist, not just a seller.

  1. Detailing Your Craft

When asked to describe your products, specificity is key. Vague descriptions do a disservice to your work. Include materials used, techniques, and the uniqueness of your designs. If there’s a story behind a particular piece or a collection, share it. This level of detail shows the jury the thought and effort you put into your work.

  1. Avoiding Ambiguous Ad Copy

One common mistake is treating the application like an advertising brochure, filled with grandiose but vague descriptions. Phrases like “I create one-of-a-kind, unique creative gifts for every taste” sound appealing but fail to convey the essence of your work. The organizers need to understand what you actually make, be careful not to lose that in the flair of how you describe it.

  1. Simplicity is Key

When describing your craft, simplicity and clarity take precedence. Instead of embellishing with fancy adjectives, focus on plainly stating what you create. For example, “I handcraft ceramic mugs with nature-inspired designs” gives a clear picture of your work.

  1. What to include in your Product Description

Go into detail about the materials, techniques, and unique features of your products. Be descriptive ensuring that the reader can visualize and understand your creations.

Tips for a Competitive Application

  1. Follow Instructions Carefully

Read the application form thoroughly and follow all instructions. If it asks for three images, don’t send two or four. Adhering to guidelines shows that you can follow directions and respect the process.

  1. Quality Images Matter

For a craft show, your product images are critical. They should be good quality and professionally presented. That does not mean you need to have a professional photographer take your photos for you. Taking your own photos is fine, just ensure they are well-lit, focused, uncluttered and showcase your products effectively. These images can make or break your application.

  1. Be Authentic but Professional

While it’s important to inject personality into your application, remember to keep it professional. Casual language is perfectly fine, but do proofread for spelling and grammatical errors – remember, you are representing the quality of your work.

  1. Meet Deadlines

Submit your application well before the deadline. Last-minute submissions can be fraught with unforeseen issues, and early submissions mean you have time to do it right, not rush it and make mistakes.


In crafting your application for a craft show, remember that clear and honest communication about your work is more effective than any ornate advertising language. Your application is a reflection of your craft: it should be authentic, detailed, and true to your artistic voice.

By following these guidelines, you can craft an application that not only showcases your talent but also tells your unique story. Remember, a well-completed application can be the stepping stone to new opportunities and the expansion of your artistic endeavors.

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